Are Probiotics Safe During Pregnancy?
Probiotic supplements are a simple and effective way to boost your gut and overall health. Let's take a look at whether probiotics are safe during pregnancy.
Key Takeaways
- Probiotics are considered safe for pregnant women, with no known negative associations between their use and pregnancy or childbirth
- They can alleviate common pregnancy-related digestive issues, such as constipation, by promoting a healthy gut microbiome
- Probiotic intake during pregnancy may reduce the risk of allergies in infants by supporting the development of a balanced immune system
As your due date inches closer, you might be looking for additional ways to support you and your growing baby’s health.
Probiotic supplements are a simple and effective way to boost your gut and overall health.
But can you take probiotics while pregnant?
This article answers that question, covering everything you need to know about taking probiotics while pregnant.

First, What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are living microorganisms.
When consumed, they can fill the gut with good bacteria and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
In other words, they help create a balance of bacteria in the gut that supports an optimal level of health.
Probiotics are different from digestive enzymes.
Probiotic strains include a wide variety of species, but two of the most important are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.
Bifidobacteria prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine and support the immune system.
Lactobacillus plays a role in lactase and lactic acid production, both limiting the levels of bad bacteria in the body.
The easiest way to add probiotics to your diet is by taking a probiotic supplement.
They typically come in a capsule that is taken by mouth.
Once ingested, the capsule will travel to the intestines, where the probiotics can work their magic.

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Taking Probiotics During Pregnancy: Is it Safe?
So, are probiotics safe during pregnancy?
They are not only safe to take while pregnant but recommended by a variety of health professionals.
While research on the use of probiotic supplements during pregnancy is still developing, there have been no negative associations between probiotic use and pregnancy or childbirth.
In fact, because microbes used in probiotic supplements occur naturally in the body, they are considered safe for human consumption at any point in life, including pregnancy.
That being said, the supplement industry is not FDA-regulated, which means not all supplements are created equally — and probiotic supplements are no exception.
When looking for a probiotic supplement, it is important to do your research.
You should look for reputable companies that use science-backed research and third-party test of their products.
Additional certifications, like being NSF sport certified or USDA organic certified, are a plus.
Lastly, you should always check in with your primary care doctor before adding a supplement to your diet.
This is especially true while expecting.

What Are The Benefits Of Probiotics During Pregnancy?
Aside from improving overall gut health, taking a probiotic supplement while pregnant can offer the following potential benefits.
Support Healthy Bowel Movements
Constipation is never pleasant.
It can cause abdominal pain and make you feel bloated, full, and just flat-out uncomfortable.
These symptoms are only exacerbated while pregnant.
Unfortunately, constipation is very common while expecting.
Up to 40% of women report experiencing it at some point throughout their pregnancy. (Source)
While the exact cause of constipation during pregnancy is unknown, it is likely caused by a combination of hormonal and physical changes in the body.
The brain-gut connection is real, and your gut health can greatly influence your overall health.
By taking a probiotic supplement, you can help balance the bacteria in your gut, improving your digestive system’s flow.
As a result, you can minimize constipation and improve your overall well-being.
Taking a greens powder supplement that contains probiotics is a great way to enhance these results.
Research supports this, suggesting that a probiotic supplement can help alleviate constipation in pregnant women.
For example, one study determined that pregnant women who took a probiotic supplement experienced reduced symptoms of constipation. (Source)
Prevent Allergy Development
Your baby’s gut health formation starts as soon as they are born.
By the time they turn one, the foundation of their intestinal health will already be established — which will influence their health for the rest of their lives.
Many factors affect how your baby’s microbiome forms in their first year of life- from how the baby is delivered (vaginal or Cesarean section) to the food and medication they absorb through breastfeeding.
By taking a probiotic supplement, you can support your baby’s development of a healthy gut.
In fact, the International World Allergy Organization stated that taking a probiotic supplement while pregnant and breastfeeding can decrease a child’s risk of developing allergies. (Source)
Reduce The Risk Of Birth Complications
Some health experts suspect pregnancy complications in the third trimester are associated with inflammation and poor gut health.
Probiotics can reduce the risk of these complications.
For example, one study shows that taking a probiotic supplement might reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. (Source)
Another study shows that a probiotic supplement during pregnancy might help regulate immune function, supporting healthy labor and delivery. (Source)
While more research on how probiotic use affects pregnancy is needed, existing evidence shows promise that a probiotic supplement can provide various health benefits throughout pregnancy.
How Common Is Probiotic Use During Pregnancy?
Currently, probiotics use during pregnancy is not common in the United States.
In fact, statistics show that only one to four percent of pregnant women in the United States and Canada report taking a probiotic supplement.
However, probiotic use in certain European countries, like the Netherlands, seems to be higher. (Source)
This small percentage may be attributed to the fact that research on its effects while pregnant is currently limited.
However, this should not discourage you from trying a probiotic supplement while pregnant.
There is substantial evidence of the overall benefits of probiotic use throughout any stage of life, and pregnancy is not excluded from this.

Where Can You Get Probiotics While Expecting?
You can get probiotics while expecting by eating foods containing probiotics or purchasing either regular probiotic supplements or prenatal probiotics.
Certain fermented foods have probiotics in them.
If you want to get your probiotics naturally, eating foods such as kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, and yogurt can help you do so.
However, eating foods containing probiotics does not guarantee that you will experience its positive effects.
This is because foods containing probiotics generally only contain one or two probiotic strains that benefit human gut health.
In addition, the probiotic bacteria consumed through fermented foods must survive throughout digestion.
Oftentimes, these bacteria do not survive once exposed to the acidity of the stomach.
As a result, these good bacteria may never reach the intestines, where they provide the most benefit.
By taking a probiotic supplement, you can jump through these hoops and get the full benefit of probiotics.
The best probiotic supplements and prenatal probiotics are made with probiotic strains that provide the most benefit.
In addition, these probiotic supplements are encapsulated in a specific way so that their contents will be protected throughout the stomach and reach the intestines.
Using Probiotics During Pregnancy: Final Thoughts
It is understandable why you would be hesitant to take a probiotic supplement while expecting.
Current research on its effects during pregnancy is limited, and less than five percent of pregnant women in the United States and Canada report using them.
However, you should not let this discourage you from trying a probiotic supplement.
Probiotics are safe to use during pregnancy and can also provide immense health benefits.
Whether you are trying for a baby, pregnant, or breastfeeding, a probiotic supplement can help keep you and your gut healthy.
In addition, it can prevent constipation, reduce the risk of your child developing allergies, and even prevent late pregnancy and birth complications.
It is best to consult a health professional before adding a probiotic supplement to your routine whilst pregnant.

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Adam Wright is the Founder and CEO of Human Tonik, dedicated to improving health spans through transparent and effective supplements. A long-time chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) survivor, Adams mission is to empower healthier, longer lives.