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Beetroot Side Effects

You might have heard that beetroot is a superfood. Its bright red color makes it hard to ignore. But does it have any side effects you need to be aware of? Here we explore this topic in more detail so you know exactly what you need to know about beetroot side effects.

Key Takeaways

  • Beetroot is a highly nutritious vegetable that can benefit many people.
  • There are a few potential side effects from taking beetroot in excess.
  • Taking Red Tonik is an easy way to safely increase your beetroot intake.

What Is Beetroot?

Beetroot is a highly nutritious root vegetable.

In fact, every part of the beetroot is of value – as its leafy green shoots are also nutrient dense.

Beetroot originates from the middle east but usually prefers colder climates.

It has been enjoyed for a long time – but more recent studies have started to show its potential as a health aid.

Beetroot comes in many different shades – as well as the common deep red version, you can also find white and pink striped varieties and even golden-colored ones too.

Beetroot is consumed cooked, raw, pickled, juiced, and fermented so there are many different ways to enjoy it.

It’s also now incorporated into many different supplements due to its wide-ranging health benefits.

When beetroot does feature in supplements, it tends to be included in the form of beetroot powder which is a concentrated version with lots of benefits.

Beetroot contains Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium, and fiber.

It’s also rich in nitrates which convert into beneficial nitric oxide in the blood. And, its deep red-rich color makes it packed with antioxidants which can protect your cells from damage.

Beetroot may also:

  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Improve your sporting endurance
  • Enhance your cognitive function
  • Lower your bad cholesterol
Beetroot juice

What Are The Side Effects Of Beetroot?

It’s important to start by saying that for most people, beetroot is a highly nutritious addition to a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle.

And this is especially true when you consider the quantities that most people consume it in.

For many people, it would actually be more advantageous to find ways of increasing their beetroot intake, in order to benefit from all its nutritious potential.

But, of course, it’s good to be aware of any potential downsides beetroot could bring, especially if you are now considering adding more of it into your diet.

And when we talk about beetroot side effects, we are also including beetroot powder side effects – in case you choose to consume your beetroot in supplement form instead.

Below are some of the potential side effects you should be aware of.

1. It May Lower Your Blood Pressure Too Much

For most people, having high blood pressure is more of a concern than having low blood pressure.

And beetroot is a great addition in this scenario as it has been shown to reduce blood pressure to healthier levels.

But, if you are also predisposed to having low blood pressure – then there’s a chance that if you overconsume beetroot, it might end up even lower.

Beetroot contains nitrates, which transform into nitric oxide when you ingest them.

This has a relaxing effect on your blood vessels – leading to lower blood pressure. Which is great if you have hypertension. But not so much if you have hypotension.

So, if you’ve been diagnosed with the latter, then go easy on the beetroot – or see a doctor to check how much would be safe for you.

But if you are hypotension free – or indeed hypertensive, then definitely consider adding beetroot into the mix.

2. It Can Turn Your Urine Red

One of the more alarming, although entirely harmless side effects of eating or drinking beetroot is that it can turn your urine red.

The official name for this effect is, amusingly, beeturia.  It doesn’t affect everyone who consumes beetroot though.

Some people seem more susceptible to this than others – which may be for reasons such as iron deficiency or malabsorption issues.

But, either way, the end result of beeturia is simply that your urine may take on a shade of pink or dark red. Which can be alarming if you aren’t expecting it.

But all that’s happening is that your body is not breaking down betanin (a component in beetroot) fully.

For most people, you can ignore this – but, if you do also have other signs of iron deficiency or malabsorption you could consider a trip to the GP to get a check-up.

Beetroot sliced on wooden spoons

3. It Can Cause Mild Allergic Reactions In Some

Having an allergic reaction to beetroot isn’t common.

But occasionally, some people can experience a few symptoms of mild allergic reaction when eating large amounts of beetroot.

These symptoms might include things such as itching or a rash. But generally, these symptoms are mild and only occur after excessive beetroot intake.

It might be that younger children under three years are at a slightly higher risk of having an allergic response to beetroot.

This is simply because their immune systems are not as well developed as in adults.

The good news is that beetroot is very unlikely to cause severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis.

4. It Can Sometimes Cause An Upset Stomach

If you’re not used to beetroot, suddenly chowing down on a ton may trigger looser stools than usual.

This can be due to the sudden increase in fiber, which can surprise your gut.

Over time, when your body gets used to having more fiber-rich food, it is unlikely to cause any issues.

However, if you have IBS, you might experience slight abdominal discomfort if you overdo it. This is because beetroot has a relatively high FODMAP content.

It contains a form of FODMAPS called fructans which can stimulate gut sensitivity in susceptible individuals. This can cause symptoms such as bloating, excess gas, or loose stools.

An easy way to reduce this issue is just to lower the amount of beetroot you eat at any given time and avoid combining it with other high-FODMAP foods.

5. It Could Cause Kidney Stones

For most people, consuming foods naturally high in oxalates is no problem.

In fact, the foods containing the most oxalates tend to be some of the healthiest – think rhubarb, beetroot, and spinach.

But, if you’ve already had the misfortune of experiencing kidney stones, the chances are you would want to avoid them from happening again.

So, it’s probably best to reduce the level of these foods in your daily diet – as oxalate-rich food is unfortunately linked to a recurrence.

And always check with your doctor if you have any particular concerns.

Who Shouldn’t Take Beetroot?

If you are prone to kidney stones it’s probably best to keep your intake of oxalate rich foods such as beetroot to a minimum.

And, if you do have an allergic reaction every time you eat beetroot, or suffer from hypotension- it’s also probably a good idea to swerve them.

But otherwise, it usually comes down to just eating a sensible dose.

For example, even if you do have IBS, you can reduce your risk of having issues by just reducing your intake – instead of avoiding altogether.

For most people, beetroot is entirely safe- but if you have any particular concerns you can always check in with your doctor.

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How To Take Beetroot?

You can eat beetroot in any number of ways.  You might like to start your day with fresh beetroot juice or end it with roasted beetroot for dinner.

You can also get creative and incorporate beetroot into your sweet treats, such as brownies.

Beetroot and chocolate tend to go hand in hand – which sounds like a surprising mix, but beetroot is naturally sweet, so it can actually add sweetness without the unnecessary added sugar.

Or, you can choose to take your beetroot as part of a comprehensive health supplement like Red Tonik

Here, you can enjoy a concentrated blast of beetroot powder on top of a wide array of minerals, vitamins, adaptogens, and antioxidants.

This is a very convenient way of benefiting from beetroot – especially if you don’t fancy cleaning out the juicer at the end of a long day.

Another advantage is that you know the beetroot contained within Red Tonik is free from unhelpful additions such as heavy metals or glyphosate.

And you know this because Red Tonik provides you with full transparency labeling – so you can be confident in your choice.

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No supplement can compensate for a poor diet, but it can help to fill in the gaps we can have through a busy lifestyle and nutrient-depleted soil.

So why not get your beetroot in via Red Tonik today?

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