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Probiotic Tea: Good for Gut Health?

Have difficulty remembering to take your probiotic supplement? Not mad about probiotic food products? Probiotic tea might be the answer if you're a cuppa fan.

Key Takeaways

  • Kombucha and pu-erh are traditional probiotic teas that introduce beneficial bacteria into the gut
  • Modern probiotic tea bags contain heat-resistant probiotic strains, allowing for convenient consumption
  • Regular intake may enhance digestion, boost immune function, and improve mood

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that naturally live in our gut.

Having a gut with more of these friendly bacteria is linked with better digestion and overall health, so we’re encouraged to include probiotics in our diet. (Source)

We naturally have probiotics in our digestive system, but consuming probiotics is a great way to increase the number of these beneficial bacteria in our gut.

Probiotics can be found in certain foods such as probiotic yogurt, kefir, kimchi, probiotic supplements, and now in probiotic tea.

teapot glass on tea board

What Is Probiotic Tea?

Probiotic tea is essentially just tea that contains these beneficial bacteria.

It comes in two primary forms – natural or supplemental.

Natural Probiotic Tea

Kombucha is a well-known type of natural probiotic tea that has been consumed for thousands of years.

It is thought to have originated in China or Japan.

Kombucha tea is naturally fermented, which allows the growth of good bacteria to occur.

When you drink it, these bacteria make their way to the gut, where they can impart their benefits.

Research suggests that consuming kombucha tea can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation and improve the liver detoxification process.

This is likely because kombucha contains probiotics as well as antioxidants. (Source)

Keep in mind that kombucha tea can only be consumed chilled.

By heating kombucha, you will kill any of the beneficial probiotics (and ruin the taste!).

Another ancient but lesser-known natural probiotic tea is pu-erh tea.

Pu-erh tea is very popular in Southwestern China and South Asia and in recent years has been gaining popularity in Europe due to its purported health benefits, such as supporting healthy cholesterol levels. (Source)

Supplemental Probiotic Tea

In supplemental probiotic tea, individual probiotic strains are purposely added to the tea.

The probiotics do not develop due to fermentation of the tea itself.

Supplemental probiotic tea comes as probiotic tea bags, a recent invention that you can brew as any other tea bag.

The probiotic strains used in probiotic tea bags are heat resistant, so they can withstand boiling water and make it to the gut still alive.

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How Does Probiotic Tea Bags Work?

The concept behind probiotic tea bags is that they work in the same way as natural probiotic teas, probiotic foods and probiotic supplements – by delivering beneficial bacteria to our gut.

These friendly bacteria help to keep our gut working properly by digesting our food, absorbing nutrients and regulating inflammation.

But other bacteria are also present in the gut that can harm our health.

If it gets to a stage where there are more harmful bacteria in our gut than beneficial bacteria, also known as dysbiosis, we can experience digestive problems such as bloating and constipation as well as more serious issues like inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).

By consuming probiotics, whether in food, supplements, or tea, we can increase the amount of beneficial bacteria and in turn decrease the numbers of harmful bacteria.

In doing this, we can improve our digestion and our overall health too.

What Are The Benefits Of Probiotic Tea?

The benefits of probiotic tea can be attributed to the probiotics that are in it.

While research in to the benefits of probiotics on certain aspects of health is still in its early stages.

Research so far shows that the benefits of probiotics may include:

Further health benefits may be derived from other components, depending on the tea.

For example, kombucha tea has antioxidants present which can provide extra benefits on top of those of the probiotics.

Some brands of probiotic tea bags may also have other ingredients added, perhaps certain herbal extracts or vitamins, that may lead to other health benefits.

Does Probiotic Tea Work?

Studies into probiotic tea in general are minimal.

While there is some evidence to show that natural probiotic tea is beneficial to health, there are currently no studies on the efficacy of probiotic tea bags available.

However, theoretically, if the probiotics in probiotic tea bags reach the gut intact, then they should work.

There are hundreds of strains of probiotic bacteria.

Most of these strains are very sensitive to heat and pH levels, so when they come in contact with heat or the acid in our stomachs, they die.

If the bacteria are dead when they reach our gut, they can’t work their magic.

The strain of probiotic used in probiotic tea bags is a very resistant strain called Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086. (Source)

This strain has been seen to withstand the high temperature of boiling water and the acidic environment in our stomach. (Source)

Therefore it is expected that Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 should still be alive when they reach the gut and so the tea bags should be effective.

However, probiotic strains don’t just vary in their sensitivity to heat and pH, they also vary in function.

Different probiotic strains have different effects.

The only strain present in probiotic teas is Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086, so if that specific probiotic is not helpful for your particular health concern, then there is no point in consuming a probiotic tea.

You will need to find probiotic foods or supplements containing a strain specific to your needs.

Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 has been shown to:

  • Aid the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins (Source)
  • Create a healthier and more efficient intestinal tract (Source)
  • Improve nutrient utilisation (Source)
  • Increase levels of beneficial bacteria (Source)
  • Maintain the health of the gut lining (Source)
  • Improve some symptoms of IBS such as abdominal pain and bloating (Source)
  • Have some anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects (Source)
  • Be safe for consumption in high quantities (Source)

The effectiveness of probiotic tea bags also depends on whether there is enough of the probiotic in the product, as well as quality of the product and manufacturing techniques.

Is Probiotic Tea A Good Option For You?

According to a 2016 review, traditionally made probiotic and fermented foods, such as kombucha and kimchi, may offer additional benefits over modern manufactured probiotic supplements, such as probiotic tea bags. (Source)

However, a lot of people struggle to consume enough probiotic foods daily to see benefits.

On top of that, cooking can alter the probiotic content of foods and often we don’t know the specific amount or type of probiotics in foods to begin with.

Probiotic tea might be a good option if:

  • You find it difficult to include probiotic foods in your diet
  • You don’t like probiotic foods
  • You don’t consume enough probiotic foods to see benefits
  • You are sensitive to some probiotic foods, such as dairy products
  • You struggle timing your probiotic supplement
  • You like the taste of probiotic tea
  • You are looking for a healthier alternative to other drinks that are high in sugar or caffeine
  • You are already a tea drinker
Probiotic tea

What Type Of Probiotic Tea Is Best?

Natural probiotic teas are best for people who like the taste of them and aren’t concerned about consuming a specific amount or strain of probiotic bacteria but do want the added benefits of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds found in natural teas.

When it comes to probiotic tea bags, they all contain the same strain of probiotic – Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 – but other ingredients can vary.

Let’s take a look at the brands leading the way with probiotic teas.

1. Lipton

Liptons probiotic tea range is called Lipton Tea + Probiotic.

These teas are in powdered form and come in individual sachets in a range of flavours.

They can be enjoyed hot or cold and also contain additional ingredients such as turmeric and vitamin C, which may be beneficial to other aspects of health.

However, there is no indication of the quantity of probiotics in each sachet so it is difficult to determine whether they would provide enough to impart any beneficial effects.

2. Bigelow

The Bigelow probiotic tea range has three different flavours to choose from including lemon ginger and lavender chamomile.

These tea bags are designed to be drunk hot and contain some herbal extracts such as licorice root.

Similarly to the Lipton tea, there is no information regarding the amount of probiotics in each tea bag.

3. Twinings

Another tea brand with a probiotic range is Twinings.

Their tea comes in various flavours, with tea bags for hot brewing or a cold water infusion for cold brewing.

This range claims that four cups will deliver 1 billion CFU of probiotics.

Related: Check out what is CFU in Probiotics

Probiotic Tea Conclusion

There are many other brands with probiotic tea ranges, so shop around.

When selecting a probiotic tea, choose one that:

  • Contains a probiotic that is resistant to heat and stomach acid, such as Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086
  • Provides the CFU measurement for the probiotic
  • Provides the CFU measurement at the time of ingestion, not just the time of manufacture
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