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When Is The Best Time To Take Rhodiola?

Rhodiola Rosea is an incredibly quickly adaptogen that can boost your general health instant. Let’s take a look at when is the best time to take Rhodiola.

Key Takeaways

  • Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen also called arctic root, golden root, and lignum rhodium.
  • Rhodiola has beneficial cognitive and physical properties when taken in sufficient dosages.
  • Benefits of Rhodiola dosage have been shown between 200-500mg per day.

A study by the World Health Organization reveals that as of 2018, 98 Member States had a national policy on traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM). (Source)

Since herbal preparations and supplements are among traditional medicine, it is safe to deduce that they have gained wide recognition over time.

Further, some medical practitioners believe in the potency of herbs for several illnesses. However, most of these purported beliefs need clinical verification.

Nevertheless, it would help to have basic knowledge about some herbal preparations and supplements; one such is Rhodiola Rosea.

Have you ever thought about the herb? Or do you need more information about it? If so, you are in the right place!

This article will provide several pieces of valuable information, including when to take Rhodiola, a few facts about it, etc. So, it’s time to dive in!

What Is Rhodiola Rosea?

Rhodiola Rosea has other names, including arctic root, golden root, and lignum rhodium; it is a perennial flowering plant and a member of the Crassulaceae family. In addition, the plant is native to the Arctic districts of North America, Europe, and Asia.

Moreover, people use the aromatic roots of the Rhodiola species for medicinal purposes. The plant measures two to 15.7 inches in height; its yellow-colored flowers, which blossom in summer, have four petals and sepals.

The herb has a medicinal history in a few parts of Europe, including Russia and Scandinavia. Back then, people used it to enhance their work rate and endurance levels. They also used it to treat weakness and fatigue, amongst others.

But how about now?

Presently, there are several established and purported uses of Rhodiola Rosea. As a specified use, the herb can combat anxiety, fatigue, and cognitive impairment issues like brain injury. (Source)

Since Soviet researchers regard Rhodiola as an ‘adaptogen,’ it can also boost one’s resistance to physical stressors.

Scientists once conducted research involving 89 subjects with mild to moderate depression; they were given two doses of placebo or Rhodiola (SHR-5) randomly.

After the study, the results of those who took Rhodiola were impressive. So, the herb can serve as a panacea for mild to moderate depression.

In another study involving 40 students, each received a low dose of a placebo or Rhodiola (SHR-5) for 20 days during a hectic examination period. The people who took the latter had improved physical fitness, psychomotor performance, and overall welfare.

In addition, the subjects had stable moods, improved sleep patterns, and the drive to study more.

So, Rhodiola is pretty beneficial!

rhodiola rosea plant on table

Meanwhile, the purported uses of Rhodiola need further research. This implies that they need clinical verification; one of them is that people with bipolar disorder can use the herb for mood stabilization. Nevertheless, Russian scientists discourage such use due to its unverified status.

In addition to mood stabilization in people with bipolar disorder, others believe that Rhodiola can improve cognitive and physical inadequacies such as decreased motivation and libido, daytime sleepiness, exhaustion, etc.

Since Rhodiola contains salidroside, an anti-inflammatory chemical compound that can reduce oxidative stress, the herb might be valuable in regulating diabetes.

Apart from that, the compound is anti-cancer since it can hinder the development of breast, liver, and colon cancer cells. So, Rhodiola might be an effective cancer treatment.

There is no established evidence regarding the safety of Rhodiola for pregnant women and breastfeeding moms. As a result, it would be best to avoid the herb if you fall under any of the categories.

Are There Side Effects From Rhodiola Rosea?

Of course, regardless of its benefits, Rhodiola may have some side effects.

For example, taking high doses can lead to irritability, insomnia, and other unpleasant sensations.

Though uncommon, chest pain, bruising, increased heart palpitations, and blood pressure are other possible downsides of Rhodiola Rosea.

Further, the herb might cause a decrease in blood sugar levels and an increase in salivation and hormonal side effects. However, as frightening as it looks, the downsides of Rhodiola are mild and rare.

What Dosage Should You Take?

best time to take Rhodiola

Research shows that taking 200 milligrams (mg) of Rhodiola extract twice daily (or 400 mg per day) for four weeks is safe.

In addition, you can take 50 to 600 mg daily to relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

On the other hand, it would help to take 200 to 400 mg daily as a supplement for depression, but 750 mg daily (at most) would be best when used alone to relieve depression.

For children, it is advisable to start with a dose of approximately six mg daily. Discussing Rhodiola dosage and use would help to know the best time to take Rhodiola.  

When Should You Take Rhodiola?

Taking Rhodiola on an empty stomach is advisable for best results, particularly 30 minutes before eating.

In addition, try to avoid taking the herb immediately before bedtime as it can interfere with sleep. Instead, it would be best to take Rhodiola early during the day or in the afternoon.

However, if you have trouble sleeping after taking the drug, you should reduce the dose and gradually increase it later on.

You can draft a timetable or set a daily digital reminder to keep up with the appropriate timing. In addition, try to get out of bed on time if you intend to take the drug early. Otherwise, you can take it around noon.

So, when on Rhodiola medication, you should be disciplined and intentional about it.

Now, how can you take Rhodiola?

How To Easily Take Rhodiola

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Rhodiola extract is available as capsules or tablets containing 100, 150, or 180 mg of a regulated amount of 0.8 to one percent salidroside and three percent rosavin.

You can take it as tea, though the effects are less potent than capsules and tablets.

In addition, you can take the herb as a supplement in a single-ingredient product or greens powder; there are several Rhodiola products, which often contain several brain-enhancing compounds.

On the other hand, Supergreen Tonik is an example of a green powder that contains Rhodiola Rosea; each serving contains the perfect 500 mg dosage of the herb

Conclusively, several herbal medicines and products are undergoing research. Hence, before taking any, including Rhodiola, you should consult a physician to ensure its safety or otherwise!

The following are references I used. I wasn’t sure if they should also be linked throughout the article or if you wanted to keep the external links for a few.

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