15,147+ humans rated our tonik ingredients as highly effective
365-day Guarantee
Third party tested
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What Humans Are Saying About Our Toniks
I get more energy
"I am a biochemist so I know a lot about nutrition and health...I take SuperGreen Tonik every day to stay healthy. I feel I get more energy and don’t get as tired during the day." †
- Ryan Fried, Biochemist Verified Customer
Simplifies my supplement stack
"Goes great in a smoothie. Makes me feel better and simplifies my supplement stack x" †
- Noi Verified Customer
Better than AG1
"Difference between the two is dramatic!! I like the taste of both your versions better than AG1, but more than that, there is a substantial difference in how I feel when I am taking it." †
- Chad Sartison, Canada Verified Customer
Relief for my decades-long IBS
"I am pleasantly surprised at the relief it provides to my decades-long IBS-like symptoms, and its wonderful taste is a bonus!" †
- Shinwei Ng, PhD Verified Customer
Better recovery from workouts
"Never tried a reds supplement before but really like the taste and take either before or after my workout for better recovery. I am a fan!" †
- Nicholas Green Verified Customer
Energized and focused all day
"Ever since I started using Supergreen Tonik, everything changed. It gives me the nutrition I need without the hassle of cooking elaborate meals. Now, I can stay energized and focused throughout the day, knowing my body is getting exactly what it needs in just a few minutes." †
- Mauri, Italy Verified Customer
Feel more mentally clear
"First thing I noticed was a boost in my energy levels and better sleep. I'd never taken any brain supplements before, so I was pleasantly surprised when I also started to feel more mentally clear, especially after my second jar. " †
- Janet Naish, UK Verified Customer
This product is POWERZ
"I’ve been on the supergreens Tonik for about a month now and I can really feel the boost in immunity" †
- Eniola Oluwa, UK Verified Customer
Absolutely dosed correctly!
"They mix so easily and taste absolutely amazing! It's not easy to find a great product when you are abroad. They are absolutely dosed correctly because we know dosage makes the difference. On the back of each product is exactly the dose of each ingredient." †
- Tom Sanderson, CEO Verified Customer
Supports my daily workouts
"Red Tonik is a game changer! Full of flavour, juicy, light, easy to drink and not only supports my daily workouts but stays with me during my extremely busy work life..." †
- Matthew Scott, CEO Verified Customer
† Results may vary from person to person
Pure Science, No Pixie Dusting:
We take the guesswork out of supplementation
Forget vague labels and weak formulas. We give you the exact dosages your body needs to thrive—backed by research, proven by results.
Most supplements use proprietary blends that hide the ingredient dosages. If they do tell you, the ingredients are often under-dosed according to the science.
We're different. We not only tell you the dosages but they are all in the right dosages to make a difference to your health.
Supergreen Tonik
38 plant-based superfoods, adaptogens, and nutrients for better energy, immunity, focus, and overall health.
You deserve to know what's inside you supplements, that is why we have 100% full transparency label.
Scientifically Dosed
Real ingredients with proper dosages so that you get the health benefits you deserve.
Made in USA
We are proudly manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certified facility in the USA.
3rd Party Tested
Our supplements are independently Third-Party Tested by Eurofins, one of the world's leading Laboratories.
The Human Behind The Tonik
Adam Wright was a competitive triathlete until Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) caused debilitating brain fog, muscle weakness and constant illness.
After unsuccessfully trying different greens & nutritional products that weren't scientifically dosed with full disclosure labeling, Adam knew he had to develop his own if he wanted to break the cycle of illness, recovery and illness again.
Recommended by nutritionists, health professionals & athletes
Brenda Peralta,RDN, CDE
"Brenda is an experienced Registered Dietitian (RDN) and Certified Diabetes Education (CDE). She is a freelance health and nutrition writer based in San Jose, Costa Rica. She has several certifications in sports nutrition, women’s health hormones, and gut health."
James E. Pattman,Professional Athlete
"As a 65-year-old athlete who competed in the National Senior Olympic Games in 2018, 2022, and 2023, I can personally attest to the incredible impact of the Green & Red Tonik on my well-being. I proudly received a bronze medal in the 2022 games, but it was during the 2023 games that I integrated the Green & Red Tonik into my routine."
Peter Gierlach,Plant-Based Nutrition Coach
"Peter is a teacher and certified plant-based nutrition coach from Upstate New York who helps people thrive on a plant-based diet. He is the founder of the Plant-Based Teacher."
Jay Sutaria,Professional Fitness Coach
"Jay and his team uses Supergreen Tonik and Red Tonik daily to help their trainiers and clients to be more nutritionally complete."
Ollie Matthews,Functional Medical Practioner
"I've been using Human Tonik both myself and my clients ranging from professional athletes, celebrities and high performing entrepreneurs for a while. We're noticing big changes improving gut health, reducing brain fog and even helping with focus so much people have been able to drastically improve their ADHD symptoms too! I'd highly recommend these products."
Casey Willax,Professional Snowboarder
"Casey is a Professional Snowboarder who uses Supergreen Tonik and Red Tonik daily to help him be more nutritionally complete."
Jared P-Smith,Professional Actor/Model
"Jared is an American actor and model who uses Supergreen Tonik and Red Tonik to stay in shape.."
Try our Tonik's for up to 365 days and see how you feel. If you don't love your results, we'll get your money back. ( See our full shipping and returns policy )
We rarely get refund requests, so out of curiosity we will probably just ask why ;)