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CFUs: What Are They?

If you’ve been reading up on probiotics, you’ve probably heard of the term CFU. But what are they and what do you need to know about them when choosing which probiotic to buy? Here we will reveal exactly what are CFUs as well as how to choose the best probiotic for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Probiotics, measured in Colony Forming Units (CFUs), are beneficial bacteria found in supplements.
  • The CFU count indicates the number of viable bacteria per serving, but a higher count doesn’t necessarily mean a better product. The diversity of strains is more important for gut health than the quantity of a single strain.
  • Probiotics have numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of cognitive decline, improving mental wellbeing, supporting immunity, and reducing the risk of obesity.

What Are CFUs?

If you are new to the world of probiotics, then start here.

Otherwise – CFU stands for colony forming units. They are a measurement tool used to calculate how many beneficial bacteria you can expect to find in a probiotic supplement. The CFU measurement is usually provided per serving.

We tend to refer to individual bacteria strains, but actually, microorganisms like this live and grow together in colonies. CFUs can also refer to yeasts but tend to mean probiotic bacteria.

Many probiotic supplements will list how many CFUs their product provides, and there can be a wide difference between products. For example, you can expect to see anything in the region of 1-10 billion CFUs and even, occasionally as many as 100 billion.

Colony Forming Units CFUs

How Colony Forming Units Are Measured And Cultivated

It would be pretty impossible to count every single cell in a probiotic product. So instead a system was created to help manufacturers estimate this amount accurately. In order to calculate this amount – a probiotic sample is taken and put in a petri dish.

Into the dish is added a solution known as agar. This solution supports the growth of the probiotic bacteria. Then, once this solution has been diluted a number of times, and the bacteria has been left to grow for a few days you are able to see the individual colonies. They look like clusters of bacteria that are growing together. From this, you can estimate the CFUs.

Are Higher CFUs Better?

It’s tempting to think the more CFUs the better the product. After all, surely the more bacteria which reach our gut alive the better?

This is why many companies make impressive claims about their product containing billions of CFUs.

But whilst the CFU content is something to consider, it isn’t always the case that a higher CFU count means a better product or that it will give you better health outcomes.

For example, when researchers have looked at the healthiest microbiomes across the world, what they have in common is their diversity. This means that the variety of different beneficial strains is of more importance than having excessive amounts of any one strain. (Source)

So if the product offering you a high CFU is only providing you with one or two different strains the chances are this won’t help your overall gut diversity and may even cause you a negative effect by creating an imbalance.

So, where the product has limited strains, having a super high CFU is less of a priority. Similarly, if you are loading in so many CFUs you might find yourself experiencing a stomach upset – which means any value gained is likely to be flushed away anyway!

Delivery Of CFU

However many CFUs are in your product – what really matters is that they will reach your gut alive. So, this means that your probiotic of choice needs to have been manufactured in a way that preserves the bacteria all the way through – ensuring that it is still alive and active on the shelf.

Unfortunately, due to factors such as temperature changes, improper storage and moisture levels, many probiotic products contain bacteria that die before you consume them.

And even after consumption, you can still run the risk of an issue as your stomach acid creates a hostile environment for many bacterial species. Whilst this is helpful as it means your body will destroy harmful bacteria entering your GI tract – it can be challenging to ensure the positive species you consume will survive.

Interestingly, probiotics offered in powdered formats may be of use here. This is because they are usually flash dried via freezing which helps to preserve the microbes until they arrive in your gut.

Probiotic powders are then often activated by adding water, therefore making them more likely to survive the final journey into your large intestine to do their intended jobs.

Why Should I Take Probiotics?

We’ve talked a lot about what to look for in a probiotic – but why should you be taking a probiotic in the first place?

Well interestingly, there are several ways to know if your probiotic is working or not. You might expect to see better digestion after you’ve been taking them for a while. And this is true – probiotics can indeed help to lessen bloating and gas.

However, the effects of different probiotic strains are likely to be far wider reaching.

For example, did you know that probiotics can also help with the following?

They Can Reduce Your Risk Of Cognitive Decline

It’s easy to think of probiotics as only benefiting the gut, but the beneficial effects are actually much more wide-ranging. We now know that the brain and gut are connected via the vagus nerve, otherwise known as the gut-brain axis.

This means that when the gut is healthy, the brain is more likely to be too. Specifically, a healthy microbiome can reduce inflammation throughout the body and brain, which can result in a reduced risk of conditions such as cognitive decline. (Source)

Level of mental health

They May Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

Many people with IBS and other gut issues also experience poor mental health. And whilst stress can increase gut issues the reverse is also true.

When you lack enough beneficial bacteria in the gut you can also suffer from low serotonin and GABA – two key neurotransmitters required for mental wellbeing.

So, taking probiotics is an easy way to increase your range of helpful microbes, and therefore support your mental health too. (Source)

They Can Support Your Immunity

A lot of your immune defenses start in your gut.

So, keeping your good bacteria topped up through the use of probiotics is an easy way to keep your immune system strong. This in turn can help you to fight off viruses and other bugs. (Source)

They Can Reduce Your Risk Of Obesity

Managing your weight can be hard and it’s not always as simple as eating less and moving more.

Studies have shown that you can also have an ‘obesogenic microbiome’, where the selection of bugs in your gut can make you more likely to gain weight. (Source)

This is probably because they promote fat absorption and trigger inflammation which can drive obesity.

So, if you are keen to lose weight then taking probiotics is an important addition to your weight loss regime.

How To Choose The Best Probiotic For You

Now we know that purely choosing a product based on its CFU number is not wise, what does matter when picking a probiotic?

Below are some key considerations to get the best product for your needs:

1. Think About The Type Of Strains

Remember that each different gut microbe has a different role to play in the body. So for the widest range of health benefits, you want to aim for a range of probiotic species.

And, if you have a particular health goal in mind, then aim to find the specific strains which may support you with these goals.

For example, we know that B.Coagulans can help to reduce gas and bloating symptoms in people with IBS. And lactobaccilus species show promise for people with anxiety. So, it pays to do your research and focus on what your personal motivation is for taking a probiotic. (Source)(Source)

2. Check For Clinical Use Or Scientific Evidence Around The Probiotic Strains

Many effective and successful probiotic strains have been researched extensively now – so it’s a good idea to check for any evidence behind the strains used in your chosen probiotic.

You should easily be able to see any proven claims – especially if there is high-quality evidence used.

3. Check For Shelf Stability

It’s always a good idea to see if your chosen product needs refrigeration or not.

Because if it does, it’s more likely to be unstable, or fragile – and there is a higher risk that the probiotic species will not make it to their intended location. Instead, choosing a shelf-stable option such as our new probiotic powder – will ensure that you can benefit from the probiotic benefits wherever you are.

Whichever form of probiotic you take – remember to also focus on your prebiotic intake.

This is because prebiotics such as onions, leeks, and green bananas act as food for the beneficial gut species you are consuming via your probiotics.

So for the best effects, you want to ensure you have a synbiotic relationship with both pre and pro-biotics.

Aside from beneficial bacteria, there is a lot more you can do for your gut health too.

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For example, you can take green powders to improve your general well-being – as these provide you with nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich ingredients to support your health from the inside out. And don’t forget to stress less – as a calm mind leads to a calmer gut.

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